Growing Beyond Borders: How to Expand Your Coaching Business Internationally
Friday, August 25, 2023
2:30pm – 3:15pm (New York)
Location: Grand Sierra F-G
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Resource Development: 0.75
In this session, you will be invited on a journey. We will sail off from a familiar port by analyzing the state of your business right now. Who do you serve? How do you deliver your work? How big is your business market? To what extent does a current situation satisfy you?
During the journey, Inga A. Bielinska, MCC, will share the top five problems coaching entrepreneurs face while managing their global businesses in a post-pandemic environment ridden with the great resignation, quiet quitting, and new market scares. Next, we will decide where we want to sail to by defining a global dream client with a simple, yet powerful three-step process. On the way, we will demystify certain common opinions that can stop coaches from being successful. We will discuss the transition from price-based offer to value-based offer. At this step, we will identify the role of mindset in developing a thriving business, converting prospects into clients, and expanding your network to attract more opportunities globally.
Hear how successful coaches create trusted relationships with their global audiences in a way that is authentic, sustainable, and profitable. It will lead you to uncovering factors, habits, and strategies that help contribute to a thriving coaching business — the business that impacts the lives of many people all over the world. Hopefully you gain a passion for the process that inspires you to continue defining and redefining your business strategy long after this workshop finishes.
Learning Objectives:
Define factors that make a coaching business thrive globally, what makes a dream client, and the channels needed to access them.
Identify the mindset that helps coaches convert prospects into customers and broaden their virtual and offline network to attract more opportunities.
Understand the key elements of a successful business and use them in practice.