Overcome the negative messages of your inner critic voice with a process that combines skills of a performing musician with coaching principles. You’ll gain what is needed to train the mind successfully, sustainably, and predictably into new, more beneficial thought patterns.
In the session, we will explore how to reprogram thought, as well as uncover the importance of the beliefs you hold about yourself and why you do what you do. It’s these last two that make the difference between temporary and lasting change. You will learn:
• What to do when your critical voice shows up. • To recognize the lies it tells and why you believe them. • How to alleviate the suffering caused by negative self-talk. • How to create thoughts that support you.
The power and sustainability of this method comes from the depth of understanding and compassion each phase brings to the client. People often use affirmations to reprogram the mind. The reason some don’t experience success is because the affirmation they’re using, regardless of how powerful it may be, isn’t right for them. The four phases of this process get to the root of the issues clients face and create custom-designed solutions/affirmations to their custom created blocks. You’ll discover how when affirming with compassion, the intention of the inner critic not only allows it to step back but also provides powerful information with which to move forward.
Learning Objectives:
Describe the purpose of the inner critic and its tactics.
List the four crucial phases to reprogramming thoughts.
Guide yourself and your clients to the creation of new, more supportive thoughts.