Leading Imperfectly: The Value of Being Authentic for Coaches and Human Beings
Thursday, August 24, 2023
11:00am – 12:00pm (New York)
Location: Grand Sierra F-G
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Core Competency: 0.5 Resource Development: 0.5
Hey superhero, take off your cape. Hey wise-old-owl, take off your mask. Hey coaches and coach educators, put away your ego. Let's talk about your story. As humans, we can't learn things from people who are perfect; we can only learn things from people who are imperfect. So, it is time to own who you are so you can be real to others and coach through your faults. This deep and hysterical session will leave you feeling simultaneously introspective and validated about the person you show to others, and it will enable you to recognize the rapport and trust-building power of authenticity in your communication and relationships.
Learning Objectives:
Recognize the power of their story in their coaching style.
Learn tools to fight imposter syndrome in sales and in the coaching process.
Apply the theory of authentic leadership to the way they coach.