Time To Dare Coaching
New York, New York
Dasha Dare, ACC, is a coach and photographer, based in New York, New York, USA. The main focus of her work is the exploration of human need to be seen. After receiving two bachelor’s degrees in business administration and HR management, working in the executive support function, attending New York Film Academy, Dasha turned her long-term passion into a full-time career.
She has been a portrait photographer for over 10 years, now with a primary focus on psychological portraiture. Her 1:1 photography work has inspired her to study to become a life coach at Human Potential Institute and experiment with introducing photography to her coaching practice. A meditation practitioner, certified yoga instructor, and a jazz fan, she has recently started taking piano lessons to explore the concept of improvisation. Her current area of interest lies at the intersection of self-image, embodied cognition, and creation of meaning.
WORKSHOP: Feeling Seen: Using Photography in Coaching on Self-Image
Friday, August 25, 2023
9:00am – 10:30am (New York)